- Aaron Seigo (aseigo): Plasmate 0.1-alpha2
- "I just tagged and uploaded a tarball for Plasmate 0.1-alpha2. Plasmate is our Plasma add-on creation tool and we're aiming for a summer release. Improvements since the alpha 1 release last month include not only a large number of bug fixes (thanks to everyone who tried it out and reported issues they came across!) but also some great new features, of which probably the most cool one is the online integration which allows you to grab a Plasmoid via GetHotNewStuff and instantly start working on it as well as upload your own creations using your opendestop.org account."
- Qt 4.7.0 Tech Preview Released!
- "Today we have released the absolute latest version of Qt for all those cutting edge folks that want to try out the newest stuff – The Qt 4.7 Tech Preview.
- The 4.7.0 TP is the first step of the 4.7 release cycle, and our goal is to showcase our newest technology (such as Qt Quick) and solicit feedback so that we may improve it before locking down our APIs down for the beta. Although the quality isn’t at production level quite yet, it should be good enough for demonstrating the new features we have in mind for 4.7 final. The final 4.7.0 release is scheduled for around mid 2010, pending feedback on the new features/designs, and the overall product quality."
Call for participation
- Linux.com T-Shirt Design Contest
- "As of today, people can buy t-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, stickers and other items that display the unique culture of Linux from the Linux.com Merchandise Store. This allows us all to support The Linux Foundation activities while letting our Linux geek flags fly.
- The designs you see on the items today are limited to the creativity of a select few who helped us get the Linux.com Merchandise Store launched. But we know that the best ideas come from the community, not one company or organization, just like in the Linux developer community.
- So, we’re inviting you to submit your design to appear on a t-shirt in the Linux.com Merchandise Store"
- h-online/Thorsten Leemhuis: Kernel Log: Linux 2.6.34 goes into testing
- "Linus Torvalds has released the first RC of Linux 2.6.34 and completed the integration of the next version of the kernel's most important changes. Improvements include graphics drivers for recent Radeon GPUs and for the graphics cores of some Intel processors that are only expected to be released early next year. Another new addition is the LogFS file system."
- CSO/Joseph Guarino: Seven Firefox Plug-ins That Improve Online Privacy
- "As strange as it might sound, there are times when I wish for the old days of the Internet circa the early 1990's. The days of Mosaic and Lynx, where there was no Flash, no Javascript and no Java. A simpler time where protecting your privacy and security wasn't as essential as it is today.
- Time travel isn't an option for securing my browser. But Firefox gives me it all and then some. The number-two browser (with 32 percent market share), Firefox is a cross platform, standards based, open source browser. It is feature rich and has supernumerary add-ons to extend its functionality. In the spirit of Open Source, its community maintains a focus on security and has a strong record of swiftly patching known vulnerabilities, faster in some cases than most others in the market."
Reviews and Essays
- Linux User & Developer/John Brandon: HP Elite 7000 Microtower review
- "In an age when Linux has become a powerful platform for development work, graphics processing and video production, it’s a welcome relief to see a mid-range system built for people who may or may not have experience with Linux. The HP Elite 7000 Microtower is quite capable: it has an Intel i7 860 2.8GHz quad-core processor with an 8MB L2 cache and an ATI Radeon HD 4550 graphics card built for Blu-ray movie playback. Meanwhile, with just 3GB of RAM, an 160GB SATA hard disk and little design flare, the Elite 7000 is not exactly a performance rig. The saving grace: the system can come equipped with Novel SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 and is extremely easy to upgrade."
- TechSource/jun auza: Text-to-Speech Software for Linux
- "Text-to-Speech Software for Linux: If you've been using Mac OS X or Windows Vista before, you may be a bit disappointed to learn that there's no speech synthesizer or text-to-speech (TTS) application that is installed by default on your Linux distribution. For those of you who don't know what a speech synthesizer is, it's simply a computer program that converts normal language text into speech. Text-to-speech software can be of great help particularly for people who are visually impaired and those who are mute."
- HELP NET SECURITY/Mirko Zorz: Q&A: Google hacking
- "Everyone who uses the internet knows that Google is the answer to every question. Google is a powerful search engine, and also a tool. Being such a good tool, almost like everything else on the internet today, Google’s capabilities are unfortunately being misused. To keep up to date, typically a security researcher refers to Google. This helps him learn more about new hacking trends, tools, and previous hacking incidents. Unfortunately, unless you are a hacker yourself, you cannot imagine what a hacker can be up to, since a typical security researcher can be quite naive and innocent, when compared to a real hacker. Therefore by searching and learning more on previous incidents, one can increase his knowledge and will perform better at securing websites and web applications."