OpenSUSE Weekly News/82

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歡迎閱讀openSUSE 每週新聞第 82 期


  • Milestone 4 released
  • Hackweek IV Results
  • Vincent Danen: System monitoring with Conky
  • Joe Brockmeier: Does openSUSE need a default desktop?
  • openSUSE Forums: Firefox and _64 Java Issue


Ready to Rumble: openSUSE 11.2 Milestone 4 Released
"正在尋找夏天的樂子嗎? 試試最新為openSUSE 11.2 所釋出的 milestone ! Milestone 4 熱騰騰的剛從 openSUSE Build Service 出爐而且歡迎你的測試.這次的釋出包含了更新 KDE, GNOME, NetworkManager, Samba, YaST, 和許多其他已更新的 個套件.
這是一個 Milestone 釋出, 十一月的時候其中之一將領導11.2的最終釋出.它可能不適合生產系統 , 但是它已經準備好給想要測試或是發展11.2的貢獻者."
SUSE Studio Launch!
"它並不是每天都會有這種很酷是宣布釋出: SUSE Studio 最終將走上線上. 為了那些不知道什麼SUSE Studio是什麼的人 ,它是一個以Web設備為基礎的建設者. 它允許你採取任何 Novell’s SLE11 (Enterprise Server 或 Desktop) or openSUSE 11.1 當成你的 OS 和自定你想要的定義 . 作為所有圖像的基礎, 從bootsplash軟體的在一個文件中的最後一個字建立一個可以完全自定義設備."
openSUSE Conference Keynote Announcement - Register Today to Attend!
"在openSUSE的會議當中 openSUSE的專案自豪地宣布,首次證實Keynote,

. openSUSE 會議是一個機會讓openSUSE的貢獻者慘與談話, 講習, 物以類聚, 面對面的共同合作. 這個會議將從九月17日到九月20日在德國的紐倫堡舉行. 從今天開始可以報名預留名額!"

Michael Löffler: Welcome new openSUSE members
" openSUSE Board 欣然宣布了一些新的成員, openSUSE當中,我們目前達成的330個成員. 見下面的列表或瀏覽的成員名單的更多細節. 我們很高興我們完成了新一輪的贊同,並要鼓勵每個人都顯示出持續和重大貢獻的openSUSE專案來申請加入. ..."


Pavol Rusnak: Hackweek: Game Store
"這星期我們有 Hack Week 事件時,每個人都歡迎使用 Innovation time on FOSS 件專案 或是甚至開始了一個新的!我花了大部分的時間入侵遊戲商店, 我介紹在以前提到的的部落格上面. 套裝軟體是現在已經為你的Build Service準備好. 簡單地使用下面的一個點擊安裝文件
Mario Carrion: Hackweek IV: Gwibber + Sharing
"我決定要在Hackweek嘗試一些不一樣的東西學習一種程式語言,並參與到另一個令人振奮的自由軟體專案 . 有太多的選擇, 太多好的專案 去執行. 我選擇gwibber基於三個原因:..."
Kohei Yoshida: HackWeek - Minor polish
"首先, 我想執行動畫邊界大綱past ranges. 目前, pasted ranges 概述靜態固體邊界, 但他對用戶而言並不是顯而易見的邊界. Excel 和 Gnumeric, 比如說, use animated dashed borders, which look more intuitive than static borders to depict pasted ranges. Long story short, we now have animated dashed borders in Calc as well. ..."
Brent McConnell: iFolder Bug Fixing Contest
A contest is getting underway within the iFolder project. From now till 8/14/2009 you can collect points for closing and/or fixing bugs in iFolder. If you are able to verify a bug is fixed and close it you are entitled to 1 point, fix a WARNING 2pts, and if you actually provide a patch to a bug you get 3 points. As things get going I will publish a leaderboard on the community website. I also have acquired a few computer bags for giveaways. Community members with the most points will receive the bags. Rules and how to play are here



openSUSE Spotlight: openSUSE Board Meeting Minutes, July 1 + July 14
"會議紀錄 七月一日到七月十四."


Suse Box.png
Stephan Kulow: factory live cds
"Hi, The factory live isos (as of d.o.o/factory/iso) are now also hybrid ISOs to be deployed on USB - and on the bright side this also means that the 422K isos are history :)"


TechRepublic/Vincent Danen: System monitoring with Conky
"我的最喜歡使用系統監視器是Gkrellm, 一個小型的 GUI 工具顯示系統信息,如CPU使用率, 記憶體和硬碟的使用, 網路流量, 等等.最近, 我發現了 Conky, 這是另一個系統監控工具,效果非常出色. 一個很好的優勢, Conky是它可以在一個窗口,less模式, so it persistently anchors to the desktop, 防止它被移動或關閉."
Domnic Mendes: Check MySQL Database Size Using SQL Query
"沒有獲得命令提示?在此在MySQL裡你可以找到數據庫大小. 成為一個有力的 MySQL 使用者 without access to the power of command line."

全新/已更新的 應用程式 @ openSUSE

Petr Mladek: OpenOffice_org 3.1.1 beta1 available for openSUSE
"我很高興地宣布 3.1.1 beta1的個套件在openSUSE當中. 他們可以在 Build Service OpenOffice:org:不穩定的項目,其中包括許多逆向和Go-oo的修復. 拜託, 尋找更多有關openSUSE OOo 的細節建立在wiki的頁面上. ..."
Association Subscribers Manager 3.0
"協會訂閱Manager是軟體是為了要管理協會成員. 一個“協會”可以是一個體育俱樂部, 一個音樂俱樂部, 等等.; it is highly customizable. 它可以管理集團的幾千名成員. It is written in C++ with Qt 4 as a GUI framework. 所有生成的文件是一種基於XML-based,以保證互操作性. 下載通過: http://個套件"
OBS openSUSE:Factory/anjuta
"Updated to anjuta- available in: http://個套件"


Joe Brockmeier: Does openSUSE need a default desktop?
"最受歡迎的功能在openFATE (至少在這文章裡) 提議從KDE的e.V.會員Frank Karlitschek 使KDE的“隱含值”在openSUSE之中. Michael Loeffler 也已經在部落格紀錄並把它裝上,新專案的 mailing list."
James Ogley: Summer of Code: Sync with Mobile Devices?
"其中一件openSUSE 件專案今年的Google Summer 代碼是 Sync 和 Mobile Devices."
Andreas Jaeger: Small openSUSE Build Service Tips
"我昨天跟Coolo說有關於openSUSE Build Service並且提到在我的專案裡我現在有許多的分類套裝軟體 因為我看著許多不同個套裝軟體有不同的開發軟體. 他給我看他的script,也給另一個暗示讓我想分享 (謝謝Coolo跟我分享這些!)."

openSUSE 論壇

Security Matters - openSUSE, super secured.
"一個有趣的問題和一些很好的回覆來自論壇成員. 可能大多數我們會預設合理內容而到處作奇怪的調整: Like switching ssh to some random port."
Grub Error - Installing Second openSUSE HD
"@oldcpu run in to an intriguing Grub issue as he prepares to test the latest Milestone release. 正如我寫這篇文章的解決辦法是等待,但這一承諾,是一個非常有趣而且有益的思路."
Firefox and _64 Java Issue
"在這上面有點耐心吧.我們終究完成了. 只是表明,永不放棄. The OP deserves a pat on the back too."
Amarok 1.4 v Amarok 2 Difference?
"什麼啟動一項調查,以兩者之間的差異, 從使用者不熟悉的主題,開發由專業或是非專業的觀點來執行. 當大變化可以執行時 , 情緒總是很高漲的.這是(v2) 進展或回歸? 由你來決定."

On the Web

Linux Foundation Introduces Linux-Branded Affinity Visa Platinum® Credit Card
Ah tuxcard.jpg
"舊金山, 七月28, 2009 — Linux 基金會,非營利性組織,致力於發展 Linux, 今天宣佈要提供visa白金信用卡給希望有助於推動Linux操作系統通過Linux基金會倡議."
Free Software Magazine/Gary Richmond: 是的 Linus, 被微軟視為一種疾病. 而且大流行
"The submission by Microsoft of twenty thousand lines of code to the Kernel has, 可預見的是, caused many an eyebrow to arch. The phrase “beware Greeks bearing gifts” comes swiftly to mind. I checked the press release. I also checked the calendar just to make sure I hadn’t fallen into a wormhole and emerged back on April Fools Day. I hadn’t. That reaction was probably replicated right across the free software community. Given Microsoft’s track record it’s hardly surprising. Perhaps what was more interesting was Linus Torvalds’ reaction. After all, this is not an inconsequential flame war about using Gnome or KDE."
GNU Generation: Calling all pre-university students
"GNU Generation is a new project sponsored by the Free Software Foundation to involve high school age pre-university students (approximately ages 13-18) in free software. By Max Shinn, Campaigns Intern 2009.
Participants will have the opportunity to get involved with the free software community, and win some prizes! If you have never considered contributing to a free software project before, or if you wanted to but had no idea where to start -- this is your chance!"
The Register/Timothy Prickett Morgan: IBM, Novell to slash Linux prices for mainframes
"With System z mainframe revenues down 39 per cent - and MIPS mainframe capacity shipments off 20 percent in the second quarter - IBM is keen on boosting mainframe sales. And it wants to use Linux as a lever.
Commercial Linux distributor Novell has a more than 80 per cent share of Linux revenues on IBM's mainframe platform. The company has been shipping its SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 since the end of March, and it wants to get more mainframe shops to add SLES 11 to Integrated Facility for Linux engines."
LinuxTECH.NET: Linux Laptops Bestsellers in Germany
"A look at the current (23rd July 2009) (Germany) Laptop/Notebook bestsellers list will be a nice surprise for any desktop Linux advocate and possibly a worry for Microsoft and Apple sales executives. At the time of writing there are two laptops with pre-installed Linux in the top ten bestsellers, both in front of the first best selling Apple laptop. ..."
Nat Friedman: Running Linux in the browser
"This post is part of a series of articles I am writing about SUSE Studio and software appliances.
Most people are quite surprised to see an operating system boot up in their web browser. But for SUSE Studio, this is an essential part of the user experience. In this post, I’m going to tell you about my favorite feature in SUSE Studio: Testdrive. Why did we build it, and how does it work?" Watson: openSuSE 11.2 Milestone 4 - X Display Server Quirk
"I have been loading openSuSE 11.2 Milestone 4 on various computers around here, and I have come across an odd problem. The good news is, it is relatively easy to work around."

過往消息 & 會議

近期活動 & 會議



要檢視安全性更新全文, 或是即時接收安全性更新的消息 請加入 openSUSE Security Announce mailing list.


Numbers in brackets show the changes compared to the previous week.

交流 有 36980 (+14) 非個別的 mailing list 訂閱者。
openSUSE 論壇有 31560 (+294) registered users - Most users ever online was 3270, 22-Jul-2009 at 20:00.

3247 (+45) of 8202 (+286) 位在 User Directory 的使用者已簽署了 Guiding Principles。 委員會已承認了 330 (+0) 位會員

Build Service
Build Service 目前有 7273 (+86) 件專案, 72336 (+259) 個套件, 13499 (+126) 個套件庫,由 16344 (+150) 位已確認的使用者建立。



Feature statistics for openSUSE 11.2:

  • 總計: 367 (+18)
  • 尚未確認: 55 (+17)
  • 新特色: 9 (+0)
  • 評估中: 126 (-7)
  • 預選名單: 19 (-1)
  • 完成: 32 (+4)
  • 拒絕: 108 (+5)
  • 重複: 18 (+0)

關於 openFATE 計畫




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