"首先, 我想執行動畫邊界大綱past ranges. 目前, pasted ranges 概述靜態固體邊界, 但他對用戶而言並不是顯而易見的邊界. Excel 和 Gnumeric, 比如說, use animated dashed borders, which look more intuitive than static borders to depict pasted ranges. Long story short, we now have animated dashed borders in Calc as well. ..."
A contest is getting underway within the iFolder project. From now till 8/14/2009 you can collect points for closing and/or fixing bugs in iFolder. If you are able to verify a bug is fixed and close it you are entitled to 1 point, fix a WARNING 2pts, and if you actually provide a patch to a bug you get 3 points. As things get going I will publish a leaderboard on the community website. I also have acquired a few computer bags for giveaways. Community members with the most points will receive the bags. Rules and how to play are here
"Hi, The factory live isos (as of d.o.o/factory/iso) are now also hybrid ISOs to be deployed on USB - and on the bright side this also means that the 422K isos are history :)"
"我的最喜歡使用系統監視器是Gkrellm, 一個小型的 GUI 工具顯示系統信息,如CPU使用率, 記憶體和硬碟的使用, 網路流量, 等等.最近, 我發現了 Conky, 這是另一個系統監控工具,效果非常出色. 一個很好的優勢, Conky是它可以在一個窗口,less模式, so it persistently anchors to the desktop, 防止它被移動或關閉."
"協會訂閱Manager是軟體是為了要管理協會成員. 一個“協會”可以是一個體育俱樂部, 一個音樂俱樂部, 等等.; it is highly customizable. 它可以管理集團的幾千名成員. It is written in C++ with Qt 4 as a GUI framework. 所有生成的文件是一種基於XML-based,以保證互操作性. 下載通過: http://個套件.opensuse-community.org/index.jsp?searchTerm=assuma"
"The submission by Microsoft of twenty thousand lines of code to the Kernel has, 可預見的是, caused many an eyebrow to arch. The phrase “beware Greeks bearing gifts” comes swiftly to mind. I checked the press release. I also checked the calendar just to make sure I hadn’t fallen into a wormhole and emerged back on April Fools Day. I hadn’t. That reaction was probably replicated right across the free software community. Given Microsoft’s track record it’s hardly surprising. Perhaps what was more interesting was Linus Torvalds’ reaction. After all, this is not an inconsequential flame war about using Gnome or KDE."
"GNU Generation is a new project sponsored by the Free Software Foundation to involve high school age pre-university students (approximately ages 13-18) in free software. By Max Shinn, Campaigns Intern 2009.
Participants will have the opportunity to get involved with the free software community, and win some prizes! If you have never considered contributing to a free software project before, or if you wanted to but had no idea where to start -- this is your chance!"
"With System z mainframe revenues down 39 per cent - and MIPS mainframe capacity shipments off 20 percent in the second quarter - IBM is keen on boosting mainframe sales. And it wants to use Linux as a lever.
Commercial Linux distributor Novell has a more than 80 per cent share of Linux revenues on IBM's mainframe platform. The company has been shipping its SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 since the end of March, and it wants to get more mainframe shops to add SLES 11 to Integrated Facility for Linux engines."
"A look at the current (23rd July 2009) Amazon.de (Germany) Laptop/Notebook bestsellers list will be a nice surprise for any desktop Linux advocate and possibly a worry for Microsoft and Apple sales executives. At the time of writing there are two laptops with pre-installed Linux in the top ten bestsellers, both in front of the first best selling Apple laptop. ..."
"This post is part of a series of articles I am writing about SUSE Studio and software appliances.
Most people are quite surprised to see an operating system boot up in their web browser. But for SUSE Studio, this is an essential part of the user experience. In this post, I’m going to tell you about my favorite feature in SUSE Studio: Testdrive. Why did we build it, and how does it work?"
"I have been loading openSuSE 11.2 Milestone 4 on various computers around here, and I have come across an odd problem. The good news is, it is relatively easy to work around."