"Michael Löffler has announced to the opensuse-announce mailing list: With regards to the discontinuation mail for openSUSE 10.3 sent out by Marcus the other day I’d like to clarify the changes in the maintenance period of openSUSE. ..."
"Hi all, the topic of a "default desktop" was raised in July as a feature in our openFATE feature tracking system by a community member, and it was a subject of a lively debate within openFATE and on the openSUSE Project mailing list. The default desktop is an issue that many openSUSE users and contributors are passionate about."
"LinuxWorld Expo was one of the first shows that I went to when I started working in the Linux industry. That was way back in the day when it was crazy talk to think that Linux would go anywhere and we were all (it seemed) 29 years old and full of optimism and enthusiasm. ..."
"身為一個 OpenSUSE 新使用者, 我發現自己經常在查詢 zypper man pages, 以及 OpenSUSE 網站上有關 Zypper 用法部分網頁, so I thought it would be nice to have a cheat sheet to consult when I had doubts, and since I looked for one and couldn't find it, I created one of my own to have all the data together. And of course, I want to share this with all of you, let me know what you think of it."
"自由軟體基金會的Holmes Wilson剛從柏林回來, 在那裡他參加了 Ogg Theora book sprint put on by FLOSS Manuals. 這裡是一個廣闊的研究Ogg Theora格式以及如何安裝到和推動自由模式: 在那裡我們得到了勝利,什麼是有效的 ,而什麼是可以改善的."
"Hardcore social media addicts might jump ship for Flock, 但是如果你想要最新的Firefox功能, it’s better to tack on extensiony goodness to Firefox. 在這裡,我們來看看四個最好的發展 在Firefox我發現so far for social media."
"你想怎麼能夠自定義佈局在Google homepage? 怎麼樣更好的視訊添加控件和一個按鈕下載到YouTube? 或設置一個過濾器工程跨越所有網站 ? 也許刪除所有“What type of leafy vegetable are you?” 從Facebook測驗?這些都是Greasemonkey可以做的的事情."
"其中一個KDE的許多方面使我們的生活更方便的圖形界面,提供了很多的任務的電腦用戶要執行. Web瀏覽器通常接受某些協議,將它們連接到資源, 如 http, https, and ftp. In KDE, these are called KIO slaves, and nearly all KDE applications can interact with them."
"下面的操作將安裝和配置DRBD技術,OpenAISPacemaker 和 Xen on OpenSUSE 11.1提供高可用性的虛擬機. 此安裝不使用Xen的遷移能力. 取而帶之, VMs will be started on the secondary node as soon as failure of the primary is detected. Xen虛擬磁盤映像複製節點之間採用DRBD技術和服務上的所有群集將進行管理OpenAIS和Pacemaker. ..."
"Generates a set of random passwords of any length that can include the letter a-z, A-Z any number and symbols and any other character that QString can handle or hex values. Downloadoptions: http://個套件.opensuse-community.org/index.jsp?searchTerm=kpassgen"
"在我加入Novell之前, 我花的時間來寫作軟體回顧 — 大多數,但不完全, 有關於開放原始碼和自由軟體的專案.在那個時候, 我遇到成百上千的錯誤. I might have filed 20 bugs in that time, and that’s being generous. A couple of reasons for that:..."
"這是近20個月,我們發布 Moonlight 1.0, 藉著Javascript+XAML binding. 自那時以來,我們一直在不知疲倦地工作,為了獲得2.0版本的功能完整和穩定. 在這段期間我們也讓外部的人們看到moonlight團隊建設的moonlight,在一個案例中創造一個Widget工具包, and then using the toolkit to bring porn to the masses with an embedded WMV video playback plugin."
"Novell的 Joe “Zonker” Brockmeier, editor-at-large at InfoWorld and Ross Turk, community manager for Source Forge at OSCON in July to discuss the show,開源社區和公司這些天所發生的事情以及如何建立有效的社群. 他們甚至觸及什麼是開源件專案與新聞的共同點."
"當KDE的論壇團隊開始他們來找我,問有關Amarok的論壇. 這是相當積極和工作確定. 因此,我們決定保留它,只是從forum.kde.org作連接因此人們期待會有發現. 最近論壇的軟體是造成越來越多的問題 and we are low on moderators as well. 幸運的是因為他們開始了KDE的論壇團隊做了一個驚人的工作, 使KDE的論壇,從而大大優於Amarok. ..."
"實驗文件系統Btrfs, 號稱是“下一代的Linux文件系統", 現在應該更快. 的libata驅動程序的IDE /PATA 正在推動適配器一邊在IDE子系統. T首先部件碎片Ext4文件系統已經合併到主開發樹. Systems with Intel ATA chipsets now boot faster thanks to parallel hardware scanning."
"任何人讀取Linux技術新聞, Linux 部落格, 或評論部分的DistroWatch周刊知道發生了很多的討論, 不滿, and even anger over the state of Intel 對Linux的視訊驅動程序. In a nutshell and without going into the nuts and bolts, Intel取得了重大改動的芯片組驅動程序, 進新技術,旨在從根本上提高性能. Keith Packard寫了詳細的技術說明,說明更改為Intel的驅動,他們的意思,可以找到 here. (Tip of the hat to Adam Williamson of Red Hat who originally provided the link.) ..."
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