"在openSUSE會議上openSUSE 專案很高興的宣布這是第二次證實keynote . 我們closing keynote將被Gianugo Rabellino發表, 行政總裁Sourcesense和Apache軟體基金會(ASF)的會員. Rabellino 擔任副總裁,Apache XML專案管理委員會, is a committer on several ASF 件專案 包含 Cocoon, Xindice, and Jackrabbit,如同一位良師益友在ASF Incubator正在開發中的一些專案 ."
"Ever tire of laying out a sheet of address labels in OpenOffice.org or Word templates 當你很急迫的時候? Karl Fogel’s LabelNation 可能可以幫助你. 這是一個很小的免費工具軟體迅速達成printer-ready從command line設計出來. 所有你要做的就是把本文件位址並運行LabelNation之上; 輸出成一個標準的PostScript文件. 而且這不只是快; 作為一個command line,它很容易集成到腳本或其他自動化工作流程."
ENOS 2009 is the third yearly edition of the event and will be held in the Institudo Português da Juventude (IPJ), Castelo Branco, Portugal on Saturday, 26 September."
"在接下來的幾個星期, four FakeLinusTorvalds (#flt1, #flt2, #flt3 and #lft4) will be tweeting from our Identi.ca (linuxfoundation) and Twitter feeds (www.twitter.com/linuxfoundation), posing as the real Linus. 我希望其中一些是危險的暴走, 有些則簡直是滑稽. 而且, real Linus給了他們祝福. 在這裡沒有侵權的問題,伙計!"
"對於那些錯過的人, 本週的Linux世界有許多事件發生涉及到graphics drivers. 在KMS頁面翻轉的ioctl準備為Linux 2.6.32 kernel , KMS and GEM涉及到新FreeRunner, and the Assembly shader rework was merged into the mainline Mesa tree was among the open-source driver news. 還發生在過去一周AMD公司發布的Catalyst 9.8,終於有了支持Linux的2.6.29和2.6.30 kernel, 但仍然缺乏真正的公眾支持XvBA. X.Org 7.5還應該被釋放,沒有發生這並不奇怪. ..."
"Folks from PlanetKDE last heard me announcing my journey along the path to become a KDE developer. 有許多方法可以做到這一點,不幸的是,涉及道路負載學習C + +和開發應用程序的啟動仍然是緩慢而穩步的進展,並(還)沒有資格公開聲明. 但-有很多方法作出貢獻!"
"我們大部分, 如果我們有一個25年的行動電話 - a Mobira Talkman, to be precise - hanging around, we'd flog it on eBay to some spotty kit collector. Not so one Finnish fellow - he turned it into a media PC.…"
"我們已審查的scribus一次數在過去,甚至包括了使用功能的工具之一回到問題的Linux Format 雜誌. 然而, 往往遇到相同的老問題: Scribus's lack of reliability and poor interface. 幸運的是,兩年後的固體發展, 這些災難被驅逐。嗯,大部分-read找出了變化."
"諷刺的是 今天,8月24日, a Federal Appeals Court ruled that while the walking dead SCO still owes Novell big bucks for selling Unix to Sun and Microsoft, the District Court overstepped its grounds in ruling that SCO had never bought Unix's IP (intellectual property) rights in the first place. What's funny about this is that it's only after SCO is dead for all practical purposes, that it finally manage to win one."
"It was with much joy that the Linux community saw two harmful myths about open source get put in their places recently. Myth #1: Linux is bad for business. Linux Foundation: More than 70 percent of work on the kernel today is done by developers who are being paid for their efforts. Myth #2: Linux netbooks have a high rate of customer returns. Dell: No more so than Windows netbooks."
The openSUSE Weekly News are available as Livestream or Podcast in the German Language. You can hear it or download it on http://blog.radiotux.de/podcast .
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